Gundam Seed: The Movie

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Gundam Seed: The Movie

Post by Gonnosuke »

ich wollt mal nachfragen ob jemand schon was genaueres zu Inhalt oder Erscheinungstermin von dem Gundam Seed Film, der irgentwann rauskommen soll, weiß.
Wär klasse wenn da jemand bescheid wüßte, ich wart schon sehnsüchtig auf ne Fortsetzung oder nen schöneres Ende als in der Final Plus Folge, die noch nachgeschoben wurde, die war etwas unbefriedigent für meinen Geschmack.
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Re: Gundam Seed: The Movie

Post by Sekai »

Viel neues gibt es noch nicht.

Nach bekannt werden im Jahre 2006:
Gundam SEED goes theatrical

Rumors on 2ch said to be from the Sony Music Anime Fes' 06 are that it was announced that there'll be a Gundam SEED movie.

It is known, through a radio commercial for this month's Newtype, that the magazine has "big Gundam SEED news" though early issues don't appear to have come out yet to confirm what exactly that news is.

Edit: Sunrise confirms the rumors, stating this will be the first completely original Gundam feature film since Gundam F91 came out 15 years ago. Mitsuo Fukuda will be the director.

Update 2: Based on people who attended the Anime Fes, Shinn Asuka, Cagalli Yula Atha, Lacus Clyne, Athrun Zara, and Kira Yamato were featured with narration "their path takes us.." to a screen officially announcing the theatrical production. TM Revolution apparently topped off the event by saying "See ya at the movies" to the crowd.
gibt es erst 2008 die nächsten Informationen:
Whatever happened to the Gundam SEED movie?

Reports from Japanese sites, such as Ayano☆Diary, say the most recent issue of Animage gives a long-awaited update on the situation surrounding the Gundam SEED movie, originally announced back in May of 2006. Chiaki Morosawa, who was the subject of an interview, says the plot has been done for some time now but that following the end of SEED Destiny, she fell ill, underwent examinations, and currently goes to the hospital for treatment. Apologizing more than once, she states the delay was simply due to that and though there isn't a plan in place, she has no lack of energy so she asks fans to please wait a little longer.
dies ist denke ich der letzte Stand.
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Re: Gundam Seed: The Movie

Post by Gonnosuke »

Das könnt also noch etwas dauern, schade eigentlich, ich dachte die wären schon weiter.
Besten Dank für die Infos :)
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